Why Locally Focused Perks Matter?

Why Locally Focused Perks Matter?

J’aime me beurrer la biscotte!

This French expression means to let it go, to relax, in a fun way. As you may have noted, this expression uses beurre (butter) and biscotte (biscuit), 2 things related to food.

Everybody knows that the French have a particular relationship to food. It’s a land of gastronomy, and this special relationship also translates into the work environment, where having lunch subsidies or a canteen at work are top perks that many employees in France enjoy.

Be it in France or in other countries, it is important for leaders to understand these cultural traits. Being oblivious to them can significantly impact your team performance.

In France, it’s about food; in Germany, it’s about having a company car. In other countries, it could be about something completely different, but which matters to local employees. Understanding culture is definitely not only about this. However, these “cultural perks” can be a critical component of keeping people happy and engaged.

If you want to be convinced about the French special relationship with food, consider all the expressions the French have and that use food. I won’t list all of them here, I could identify at least 50 without too much effort. Let me give 5 to you, giving you the literal translation in English and then what it really means:

1. Tomber dans les pommes – Fall in the apples – To faint
2. Se prendre une prune – Getting a plum – Getting fined
3. Avoir le melon – To have the cantaloupe – Being full of pride
4. Avoir un coeur d’artichaut – To have an artichoke heart – Falling in love easily
5. Pédaler dans la choucroute – Cycling in sauerkraut – Making vain efforts

What’s a “cultural perk” in your country? Tell me in the comments.


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