Mental Fitness Bootcamp

Get mentally fit to thrive in

challenging times

If you are not physically fit, you will feel physical stress even as you climb stairs.


If you are not mentally fit, you will feel mental stress such as anxiety, frustration or unhappiness as you handle work and challenging situations.


Did you know that 80% of us score below the minimum level of mental fitness needed to support peak performance and happiness? No wonder then that you are feeling high levels of stress and anxiety on a daily basis. Can you imagine the impact this stress and anxiety have on your performance as a leader?


If you are unsure whether you belong to that 80% bucket, take this two-minute assessment to measure your PQ or Positive Intelligence Quotient, which is a measure of the relative strength of positive mental muscles (Sage) versus negative muscles (Saboteur). And if you want to find out how much you self-sabotage, take the free saboteur assessment.


Whatever your score is, the good news is that you can improve your mental fitness significantly within six weeks by strengthening three core mental muscles through a daily 15-minute practice.

Breakthrough Research

This research is built on a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology, and performance science.


The research includes results collected from hundreds of CEOs, elite athletes, Stanford University students, and more than 400,000 participants from 50 countries.


These results were summarized in Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence. The book reveals that:

  • Saboteurs and Sage live in entirely different regions of the brain.
  • You can cause a dramatic shift in brain activation to weaken Saboteurs and boost Sage.
  • 3 core muscles constitute mental fitness.

I was personally trained and mentored by Shirzad Chamine in this work. As a PQ Coach, I teach and coach the mental fitness framework with his express permission.

My 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp will boost your PQ by supporting you in learning how to respond to these difficult challenges with a positive mindset.


The results of this program? improved communication, increased performance and productivity, healthy relationships, and peace of mind.

Introducing the 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp

The program combines weekly 1-hour training videos, daily app-guided exercises to boost your performance, relationships, well-being, and increase your PQ. Weekly small group and individual coaching sessions support the learning and create commitment and accountability throughout the program.

Please note that the content of the 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp is in English only, although the weekly coaching sessions with me can be in English, as well as French or German.

Weekly 1-hour Video Sessions

In these highly engaging sessions, Shirzad Chamine guides you through experiential exercises that deepen and personalize your understanding of the mental fitness tools. You leave inspired and energized for the week’s practices. The videos are recorded, so you can watch them at your convenience before the beginning of the new week in the program.

Exclusive App Guiding Your Daily Practice

Each day a different focus for daily practice is assigned through a personalized companion app available exclusively to program participants.


This builds one small muscle at a time, laying down new neural pathways to form lasting positive habits of your mind. The cumulative impact by program’s end is substantial.


Once you have started the program, you retain access to the PQ App and the exercises and support for twelve months, so you can continue to train your brain muscles even after the completion of the Bootcamp.

Interactive PQ Gym

Innovative 10-second PQ Reps build up your Self-Command muscle. You learn to be clear-headed and calm even in the midst of great challenges, able to command your mind to shift from Saboteur to Sage response.

Daily Progress Tracking & Measurable Progress

The app tracks your daily progress against minimum targets  associated with new neural pathway (muscle) formation. Personalized daily coaching tips from Shirzad continue to both encourage and challenge you to keep going.

Weekly Pod Coaching Call

If you enroll with co-workers, family members or friends, and are between 3 and 8 participants, a Pod will be formed to ensure you have plenty of opportunities to establish positive new habits while being supported by accountability partners.


Pods can be 3 to 8 people and meet once a week to discuss the week’s training and learning. Pods calls will be led by myself as your Coach for the program.

Online Cohort Community

The Positive Intelligence App includes a community feature to make it easy for you to keep in touch via a private forum that’s just for your pod. In addition to your pod forum, you’ll have access to another channel that includes boot camp participants from around the world. This larger forum will help you gain a broader perspective on the impact of the program.

Weekly 30-Minute One-to-One Coaching Session

For the duration of the program, I will be your personal Mental Fitness PQ Coach and support you through these individual coaching sessions to deepen the learning and forward the action. The sessions can be particularly efficient in understanding the impact of your main saboteur on your work and in your life.


This is a total of 3.5 hours of individual coaching that you get on top of the other program content to focus exclusively on YOU and YOUR personal development.

Free pdf file of the first eight chapters of Shirzad Chamine’s Positive Intelligence book

In this 140-page pdf extract of the book, you will get detailed descriptions of the PQ concept, the Saboteurs, the Sage, and the idea behind how you can train and grow your mental muscles.

What about a Mental Fitness Bootcamp for your team or organization?

Most teams work too hard, experience too much conflict, friction and stress, and vastly underachieve their potential.


This is because every team member is unknowingly sabotaging both their own and their team’s performance and wellbeing.


As a leader or an organization, you may consider bringing your team(s) into the 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp. The program will unfold the same way, except your team(s) will have their own personal Pod, and we will meet once a week to debrief the video and deepen the learning as a team. The program framework will ensure there is a shared vocabulary used by the team to communicate more effectively as the program advances. The program can also be tailored to include individual coaching, a preliminary workshop on saboteurs, etc.


Each member of the team will come better equipped and trained to understand their main saboteurs and those of their peers. And together as a team, you will learn how to leverage your improved PQ as a collective positive energy to better address your organization’s challenges. This will result in higher levels of collaboration and productivity, and enhance your team and organization performance in the area of purpose, trust, mutual accountability, communication, and healthy conflict.


Please contact me directly to discuss team and organization pricing for the 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp.

What happens after I enroll?

After you sign-up for the 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp, you will receive an email with instructions on how to set you up for the program, and I will also be in touch to gather some details. I will need to know if you want to be placed in a Pod, to create your own Pod or to skip the Pod experience. We will coordinate your start date (always a Saturday) and the day/time for your weekly Pod calls.

Enroll in the 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp Today!

€1,500 (One-Time Payment)

Discount: One payment of €1,500.

Pay in full today and save €150.

€1,650 (Two Payments)

Pay just €825 today,

then 1 payment of €825 in 30 days.

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Maybe you’re skeptical that you can achieve lasting behavior change. I understand. You need to see and feel this program to believe it. That’s why I offer an iron-clad 14-day guarantee.


At any time during the first 14 days of the program simply send me a one-sentence email: Full refund please!  And you’ll receive it within 48 hours. No questions asked.


That’s my promise to you.

Seven Weeks of Inspired Practice

Week 1: Boost Your Self-Command Muscle


The first week you learn innovative 10-second PQ Reps that boost your self-command. This enables you to run your brain rather than being run by your Saboteur-hijacked brain. Self-command is key to intercepting unhelpful mental habits and rewiring your brain to respond more effectively.

  • Try out and discover PQ Reps that are most effective for you.
  • Reach the minimum target for PQ Reps/day to achieve rewiring goal within 6 weeks.
  • Use the app’s breakthrough PQ Charge Meter to ensure optimal brain activation before important activities.
  • Declare an audacious aspiration–what you want to achieve through this program.

Week 2: Intercept the Judge Saboteur


For this entire week, you’ll intercept and weaken the most damaging Saboteur, the Judge. You discover how judging yourself, others, and circumstances is a key source of your stress and quite damaging to your performance. Most participants discover their Judge to be far more prevalent and damaging than they suspected.

  • Expose your Judge’s hidden lies, limiting beliefs, and negative patterns.
  • Reveal your Judge’s impact on performance, relationships, and stress.
  • Practice intercepting your Judge before it hijacks you.
  • Rewire your negative neural pathways by redirecting the Judge response.

Week 3: Intercept your Accomplice Saboteurs


This week you intercept and weaken the top accomplice to your Judge Saboteur, identified through the Saboteur Assessment from the following: Avoider, Controller, Hyper-Achiever, Hyper-Rational, Hyper-Vigilant, Pleaser, Restless, Stickler, Victim.

  • Expose your accomplice Saboteur’s hidden lies, limiting beliefs and negative patterns.
  • Reveal this Saboteur’s impact on performance, relationships, and stress.
  • Discover how to quickly intercept this Saboteur before it hijacks you.
  • Rewire your negative neural pathways by redirecting this Saboteur’s response.

Week 4: Shift from Saboteur to Sage


After weakening your Saboteurs, it is now time to strengthen your Sage, the counterpart to your Saboteurs. Your Sage lives in an entirely different part of your brain, generates all your positive emotions, and achieves peak performance through a calm and clear mind.

  • Practice the Sage Perspective that every outcome or circumstance can be turned into a gift and opportunity.
  • Use the 3 Gifts Technique to find the opportunity in setbacks.
  • Replace draining self-judgment with energizing self-acceptance and empathy.
  • Boost speed of recovery from failures and setbacks.

Week 5: Boost the Sage Powers


The Sage region of the brain enables 5 primary powers.  Analogous to the 3 primary colors, these 5 powers recombine to form all of the emotional intelligence competencies considered crucial to professional success.

  • Augment your mental toolbox with 5 Sage powers.
  • Practice 3 techniques to activate each power.
  • Know when to use which power–right tool at the right time.
  • Boost emotional intelligence through combinations of the 5 primary powers.

Week 6: Take Clear-Headed, Laser-Focused Action


In our final week, you use your Sage’s Navigate and Activate powers to take clear-headed, laser-focused, decisive action.

  • Use your Sage’s Navigate power to align your actions with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.
  • Use your Sage’s Activate power to act without fear or emotional distractions even in midst of great crises.
  • Discover your Sage’s deep wisdom, far surpassing your analytical intelligence.
  • Discover how your Sage generates your highest performance while enjoying every step–“in the zone.”

Final Session: Sustain the Momentum


In this final session, you discover how to continue using your PQ tools for a variety of work and life applications.

  • Learn how to further apply to peak performance in selling and persuading, conquering stress, managing conflict, and relationships mastery.
  • Discover how to use the PQ app to maintain your new mental muscles and Sage habits.
  • Chart your path to keep progressing towards your audacious aspirations.
  • Establish support and accountability agreements to sustain your momentum.

Lifelong Applications of the Program






Career planning


[e.g., Sales]


Client presentations





Emotional intelligence

Conflict management


Peak performance


Time management

Change management



Team management

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the right program for me?

This is the right program for you if you are a) committed to improving your performance and effectiveness dramatically while reducing stress, b) looking for a science-based and trusted system to make it stick, and c) willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don’t serve you.

Aren’t negative emotions sometimes helpful?

Some people believe that negative emotions are helpful. For example, they think stress gives them their performance edge, or beating themselves or others up is helpful for continual improvement.


Feeling pain for a split second when your hand touches a hot stove is indeed useful, delivering an important alert. But your Saboteurs keep your hand on the hot stove, continuing to feel negative emotions which harm both performance and happiness.


In this program we learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert, and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity to handle the challenge most effectively.

Who will lead the Positive Intelligence Program?

Shirzad Chamine – the author of Positive Intelligence and a preeminent C-suite advisor –  conducts each of the weekly video sessions. Shirzad will also participate daily in the exclusive online community of the program participants to answer questions, provide coaching, and cheer you on.


Shirzad is the New York Times bestselling author of Positive Intelligence, translated into 20 languages. He has been CEO of the largest coach training organization in the world and has trained faculty at Stanford and Yale business schools.


Shirzad lectures on Positive Intelligence at Stanford University and works with Stanford’s NCAA athletes. A preeminent C-suite advisor, Shirzad has coached hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams. His background includes graduate level studies in neuroscience in addition to a BA in psychology, an MS in electrical engineering, and an MBA from Stanford.


I will conduct the weekly one-to-one coaching sessions, and will support you during the entire duration of the program through frequent interactions, follow-up and cheer. If you form your own Pod with family members, friends, or co-workers, I will also support you and your Pod during the weekly Pod calls.

How much time and effort is required?

You’d be committing to watching a 1-hour video once per week and doing a combined total of 15 minutes per day of practice guided by the Positive Intelligence app exclusively designed for this program.


This might sound like a lot of time. In fact, cumulatively, it constitutes less than 2% of your awake time for the duration of the program. Please consider that your Saboteurs are costing you far more than 2% of your time, effort, energy, and productivity. Consider how much more than 2% of time and productivity this seven-week investment will save for years to come.

How is this different from reading the book?

You’d never learn to ride a bicycle by reading a book about it. You’ll be asked to read the first 8 chapters of the book while participating in the program. The book provides the research foundation and introduces the tools. The video session guides you through experiential exercises that help you personalize the tools to your own personality and needs. And the app coaches you to practice one tool at a time in the context of your own daily work and life challenges.


I am also personally engaging in the program by adding the extra value of a total of 3.5 hours of individual coaching to supercharge your learning from the program and get you forward into action. This is something no book will ever give you.

What happens at the end of the 7 weeks?

As you complete your 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp, it’s natural to be asking yourself what’s next in your mental fitness journey.


I offer 3 ways to continue the journey to optimal mental fitness:


  1. The MAINTAIN path, where you will continue to have full access to the app and its current content for 1 year (starting when your 7-week program starts) and with no new content. This option is FREE. At the end of the 1 year, your access to the app will be removed.
  2. The GROW path, where you will continue to have full access to the app, including any new content added to it and more flexibility in using the app. You will also be able to work on all 10 saboteurs. Lastly, you will get access to additional video content and live sessions discussing specific topics like stress management, conflict management, energy optimization, relationships, wellness and many others. This path is available to you for a monthly fee of 39 euros and is cancellable at any time with 1 month notice.
  3. The THRIVE path, where you get all of the content from the GROW path, supercharged with a monthly individual 1-1 coaching session to support you as you deepen your learning and forward the action. This path is available to you for a monthly fee of 109 euros and is cancellable at any time with 1 month notice.

Should we participate as a team?

Even though the focus of the program is individual development, team leaders often call this experience the best team building experience they have ever had. Going through this program together significantly deepens trust, helps clear the air related to recurrent team member conflicts since they’re mostly generated by Saboteurs, and gives the entire team a common framework for helping each other grow, making decisions, responding to setbacks, and managing conflicting styles and agendas.

Do you have corporate/group discounts?

Yes, if you would like to purchase the Positive Intelligence program for your employees, or any group of 8 people and above, please contact me for more information.


For any questions, please contact

Enroll in the 7-week Mental Fitness Bootcamp Today!

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