When to Consider Coaching?

When to Consider Coaching?

This quote is what one of my clients told me when I asked him what made him consider coaching during an initial discussion.

His answer really stood out for me.

His decision to hire a coach was not driven by huge problems he had, or significant challenges he faced.

He hired me as his executive coach because he’s doing well in his career and at the same time, he wants to have someone as a sounding board to reflect on the little things he wants to change now to be even more successful.

I found that description of “why coaching?” very powerful and to be frank quite rare.

I have struggled many times trying to explain to people why they should consider hiring a coach.

Well, that quote says it all: Don’t wait until you have problems to hire a coach. Hire a coach when you need to work on the little things that you need (a life or career purpose, finding your big goals, etc.) in order to feel even more fulfilled.

A coach is not only here to support you in solving problems. A coach is here also to support your growth, your reflections, your discovery of what could be.

How does that quote resonate with you?

What’s your long-held belief about hiring a coach? Is it something like “I don’t have problems, why hire one?” What part of the better you are you refusing when you think from that perspective?

Want to talk about the little things that bother you? You can book a free 30-minute session with me at https://p-m-coaching.com/booking-coaching-with-pascal-maygnan to discuss where you are at and what makes you consider coaching.


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