04 Aug What Video Games Can Teach Leaders
I love playing video games on my PS4.
I am stuck in Uncharted. Still not done with the first game in the series.
What’s taking me so long? I keep getting killed by the villains. I try and do my best. I hide, jump, fire on all foes. They keep returning fire and I lose a life.
But that’s OK. It’s a game, so I start again and the next time, I apply some of the things I learned in my previous try. I make progress. At some point, I clear the level and get to the next one.
Failing is not fun. It can be stressful and frustrating.
Failing however is good to learn and make sure I apply that learning in future situations. When the Uncharted bad guys get me, I learn in what order they come to the screen and I adapt my strategy to get them out in a specific order. I end up winning.
It is the same in leadership. Failing is not fun. But you can always learn something about a failure. What you learn can then be applied to a future situation where you will end up shining and succeeding.
Where have you failed lately? What have you learned from this?
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