What Do Mont-Blanc and Leadership Share in Common?

What have a Mont Blanc climb and leadership in common?

Both have similar approaches on how to tackle challenges.

At a recent townhall, I was asked to talk on a leadership topic. Having successfully climbed the Mont Blanc in June 2019, I realized the way I had tackled this particular challenge was no different from how I would tackle any leadership challenge.

I see 6 areas of similarity between my Mont Blanc challenge and any leadership challenge:

1. It’s about getting ready. Being fit physically and mentally for the climb; knowing the facts, staying curious and learning from other areas as a leader.

2. It’s about the team. I could not climb Mont Blanc alone. Nor can I address any leadership challenge alone: I need the team because each person on the team adds value to tackling the challenge.

3. It’s about listening and following advice. I knew nothing of mountains before my climb; I had to listen to what the guide told me to do. As a leader, I need to ask for feedback, ask open-ended questions to make sure I consider other people’s opinions.

4. It’s about knowing what I don’t know. I had to learn how to walk on ice and how to climb for my Mont Blanc challenge. As a leader, I must ask for help or say “I don’t know”. Showing vulnerability will do much to empower the team and make sure we tackle the challenge efficiently.

5. It’s about letting go of control. While at Mont Blanc, I could not control the weather and possible mountain sickness. As a leader, I need to pick my battles and let go of perfection.

6. It’s about being aware of self-limiting beliefs. Climbing Mont Blanc, it was about being afraid of heights. As a leader, it could be the impostor syndrome, fear of being judged.

What leadership mountain have you climbed recently? What allowed you to tackle this challenge successfully? How did you feel about succeeding? Tell me in the comments.

For comments or questions, please visit my website or contact me at pascal@p-m-coaching.com