The Road to Endless Possibilities

The Road to Endless Possibilities

The pic is my son walking full speed ahead in the woods.

What is he thinking about?

I bet he’s thinking about what’s next for him at school (he entered 3rd class a few days ago).

Or maybe he ponders on the super powers he has, using the magic wand in his hand (He’s fully into Harry Potter at the moment!)

No, I think he is just happy knowing that his dog trusts him and follows him without any concern (I bet he’s using some wizardry with him!)

Most likely, as he looks out at the road ahead of him, he sees the many possibilities that are offered to him in his life as he grows as a kid, a teen, and an adult.

I’d love to be in his head!

The truth is, as a leader, I like being in my son’s position: Looking out at the paths ahead of me, using my super power to take action and do things (my super power is being optimistic), and giving trust to others so I know they will follow me also when the road is bumpy.

This way of thinking has served me well as I developed as a leader and it is still serving me today. Anytime I need to make a choice, I start with the premise that no door is closed. I choose from many possibilities, as if looking out at the big road in front of me. Then I use my super power to get into action and make a choice. And ideally, I have created enough trust on the team for people to follow me with that choice.

And if I choose not to do anything, well, that is still a choice!

As we enter the last months of 2022, what are the possibilities you see for yourself in your life or career?

What is the super power you want to use to get you there?

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