Rien Ne Va Plus!

Do you know how to win at roulette? Sadly for you, the casino will win most of the times because it has 51% chances of winning each roll (because of the number 0 in the Roulette). But that 51% suffices for the casino to be profitable.

It’s the same in management. You don’t need to be right 100% of the time or make only right decisions to be a successful manager and leader. Actually getting it right about 51% of the time should be enough, because you would be right more often than not.

Let go of wanting perfection at all costs. This is the sure path to stress, hyper-achievement, lack of work-life balance, and ultimately possibly a burn-out.

Instead, focus on making decisions while feeling comfortable to make some reasonable assumptions about them. Learn to delegate so you don’t need to make all decisions, even on things someone on your team better understands. Doing so will increase your performance as a leader: It will show that you accept failure for you and your team as part of the learning process; it will show you are human.

What else could you do to stop being the unreasonable perfectionist or leader who is always right at work? Tell me in the comments.

For comments or questions, please visit my website or contact me at pascal@p-m-coaching.com