My 12-Week Leadership Challenge – Week 8

My 12-Week Leadership Challenge – Week 8

Week 8 of my 12-week leadership challenge.

Today is about leading from different places.

As a young leader, I envisioned that there could be only one place for me: At the front, leading the battle, like the old-style general on his horse, leading the army into the fight.

Years of practice have taught me that to be an authentic leader, you cannot stay in the front seat all the time. It will be a disservice to the team, and a disservice to you.

What I learned is there are mostly 5 places to exercise your leadership from:

1️⃣ Lead myself. It’s all about self-awareness, knowing what I don’t know; be comfortable saying “I don’t know” and ask for help. This is also about continuous learning and development.

2️⃣ Lead from the front. Take ownership for solving a challenge; this is leading in crunch times for instance; you can use some of the trust built with the team in order to manage through bumpy roads.

3️⃣ Lead from the middle. Share the pain with the team during hard times. During a project with long hours, stay with the team until everyone has left; bring them the needed mental and leadership support.

4️⃣ Lead from the rear. Delegate, let the team take over leadership from you and make some of the decisions. Let people assume leadership at times when they know better than you.

5️⃣ Lead beside. Coach the team. Stay curious, ask lots of questions so the team comes up alone with its own solutions to challenges.

What leadership position above are you embracing? How do you feel about leading from the rear for instance?

What step could you take now to lead from different places? How would that change the performance of your team?

If you want to go deeper in this topic, and learn how to lead from different places, sign up for my free 12-week authentic leadership challenge and I will walk you through the 12 areas of my model.

You can sign up here:

What authentic leader will you dare be?

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