My 12-Week Leadership Challenge – Week 12

My 12-Week Leadership Challenge – Week 12

Week 12 of my 12-week leadership challenge.

Today is about staying healthy.

Today is also about celebrating!

If you want to be an authentic leader and thrive in your role, staying healthy is key. Without the stamina needed to be a high performing leader, you are setting yourself for stress, imbalance, frustration, and possibly failure with your team.

Staying healthy will mean very different things for different people. To me, as a general rule, it has to do with how you feel in body and spirit and what you do to maintain that health.

For instance, I stay healthy by having a morning routine that includes meditation, wake-up stretches or a fitness session, a healthy breakfast, and a walk. And most of the times, I am doing my best at not checking emails and social medias during that routine.

Staying healthy also means being a constant learner. I read a lot and I always look to learn new things or to fulfill my curiosity on a variety of topics.

Lastly, being healthy also means being able to disconnect from work when it is needed, to be with family, or to take vacation and rest for real.

What does staying healthy mean to you? What are you doing specifically?

Last but not least, let’s celebrate: If you have followed me in the past 12 weeks, then you have completed my walkthrough of my leadership model. I have 2 questions for you:

1. What is one thing you have learned and that you will implement for yourself?

2. What’s your own leadership model? What are some things you have and that are not in my model for instance?

As always, if you want to go deeper in the topic of authentic leadership, sign up for my free 12-week authentic leadership challenge and I will walk you through the 12 areas of my model in more details.

You can sign up here:

What authentic leader will you dare be?

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