Charging Your Leadership Batteries

Charging Your Leadership Batteries

How recharged is your leadership battery?

You may have used summer or another time of the year to recharge your batteries.

In the end, everybody benefits from taking time off work. This is a great way to remove drain, stress, and instead leverage your “toolbox” to recharge and get to a fresh start when you’re back in the office.

Over the course of my career, I found that these 4 things helped me recharge my leadership batteries and got me to a great re-start in the office:

1. Reviewing my goals and recommitting to them for the remainder of the year. As leaders, the road to achieving your goals will always be filled with traps, diversions, new priorities, etc. It is key that you stick to the goals that matter to you to make you successful. Taking some time off will help you re-center on these.

2. Leverage new learning – e.g., from reading, discussions, etc. – to start work with new ideas and perspectives. This can be a great way to unlock new ways of addressing a challenging or tackling a problem you had before your vacation with a fresh and different mindset.

3. Don’t look too much at what happened during your absence and by all means don’t feel guilty about any discussion or decision you were not part of. You took time off for a good reason, and that is getting stress and drain away. If you left the office trusting your team with making the right decisions in your absence, then guess what, most likely they will have made the right decisions. Come back with the mindset of getting a quick brief but don’t sweat over any decision made in your absence.

4. Focus on learning something new. What is a new skill you could learn, a project you could be part of, what passion could you pursue, which would create a halo effect around your work as a leader and get you the extra energy needed for a great re-start in the office. For instance, last year, upon returning to the office, I decided to start taking guitar classes again. This year, I’ll focus on another passion of mine, cooking and register for week-end workshops.

What do you do to recharge your leadership batteries? Tell me in the comments.

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