09 Nov Breaking Through Your Wall!

Do you remember what you were doing on Thursday November 9, 1989?
Maybe, like me, you were watching the TV in awe, looking at the Berlin Wall fall under the blows of people gathered at the Branderburger Tor. This was 31 years ago to the day, and I still remember it vividly like if it were today.
The fall of the Berlin Wall meant a lot then. It seemed the world had finally broken through a major hurdle and that we would end the cold war and live in peace forever. We just failed to anticipate a lot of other things.
31 years ago, my personal Wall to break through was finding a way to leave France to start working and living abroad. I broke my Wall in 1996! But then, there were things I had not anticipated, and for sure, a new Wall came on my road. And I broke through it again. I see these Walls in my life as things that block me temporarily from achieving my goals and dreams. When I break through my Walls, I achieve what I want.
And for you, what is your Wall today? What is the one thing that is blocking you from achieving your big dream or goal in life or in your career? What will become possible for you if you break your Wall? What will happen if you won’t break it? What might you not anticipate?
Give this a thought, and maybe journal about it for a few days. Let me know what comes for you.
For comments or questions, please visit my website or contact me at pascal@p-m-coaching.com