Be a Leader with Work/Life Balance

One trait of successful leaders is their ability to achieve work/life balance.

CEOs like Bill Gates or Elon Musk aside, who are more the exception than the rule, virtually any CEO story will tell you how that person finds time with family or for themselves, to do things that matter to them.

For me, work/life balance includes cooking and baking. This is something I am passionate about. I cannot spend a day without a few hours in the kitchen, with a recipe book, cooking and baking with my wife and son or for them.

Sunday Nov 29 marked the 1st Advent of this year. And as the tradition goes in our family, this is time for some serious Christmas cookies baking.

Cooking gives me energy. It reminds me of wonderful meals I had when a kid in France, with my family. I would always wonder how my mother could cook so many things without even a recipe book. To this day, I am still jealous that I yet have to gain that skill of memorizing all the recipes I love to make.

Cooking also reconnects me with my other passion: Traveling the world and discovering new cultures. My cooking is international: Daube Provencale, Carne Machado, Ajiaco, Schaeufele, Chili con Carne, Tajine, Biryani, etc.

And for you, what is it that makes you balance life and work? What becomes available to you when you reach that balance?

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