More of the Same

It is said that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If true, then, why is it that when someone quits our team, we do our best to replace that person with as close a clone of her as possible. We want the same skills, the same talent. And then, we continue complaining that the team is not creative, does not find solutions to current challenges, or is not able to work differently. What is wrong here?

The truth is that as much as interview processes in companies are necessary and ensure potential hires FIT IN (with the culture, basic skills, etc.), the same processes always fail to help leaders understand how these potential hires STAND OUT. Behavorial interviews do a better job but they still often overlook what really creates value in a team. There are 2 things that should matter to you as a leader when you hire someone, if your goal is to increase the value delivered by your team:

1. What unique value/strength does the newcomer bring?
2. Do I see myself working 8 hours a day with that person every day?

If you answer yes to both questions – and the interviewee does well on the FIT IN factors – then, hire the person. She is your best chance of not growing an army of clones. What else matters to you when hiring a new collaborator? Tell me in the comments.

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