2 Rules for Effective Meetings

2 Rules for Effective Meetings

It happened again!

A few weeks ago, I was in a meeting where people started to talk and argue about things, with no apparent structure.

Although I had joined the meeting on time, the discussion looked as if I were 1 hour late to the meeting, and just catching up on the discussion.

I had to ask: “What’s the goal of the discussion here?” and after one of the participants explained the goal, we had a (slightly) more productive discussion.

In my career, I have unfortunately been in quite a lot of these meetings. I am equally guilty of having organized such meetings myself, for sure.

What I learned through the years though is that effective meetings need to have at least these 2 things:


🥇 An objective, stated clearly at the beginning of the meeting. Like “This is the reason I invited you today and this is the outcome I expect from that meeting or this is the decision I need to have from you.”

🥈 Clarity at the end of the meeting around (1) decisions that have been made, (2) ToDo’s and their owners, and (3) aligned communication to people outside of the meeting participants

What else have you found useful to have effective meetings?


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